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How to download your Checkmyfile credit report

CheckMyFile – 4 credit reports in one

CheckMyFile offers a credit report covering your data from up to 4 credit reference agencies including – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

This is available now online for FREE for 30 days, then £14.99 a month, you can cancel anytime.

What is Checkmyfile?

Check my file provides data on your credit history from the four main credit agencies in the UK.

  • Equifax
  • Experian
  • TransUnion

Check My File gives you access to the current data provided by these credit agencies

Why do I need to check my credit file?

Checking your credit file can be useful in two main ways:

To help your mortgage broker secure mortgage lending

When using a mortgage broker to secure a mortgage you will be asked about your credit history.
Providing a credit file report like the one available on CheckMyFile gives your mortgage broker all the information they need to accurately assess your lending options.

Using your credit file to help manage your credit profile

The stronger your credit profile the more likely you are to be able to obtain credit, and the lower rates you are likely to be offered for credit.

Your credit profile can be affected by many factors, a number of which are under your control.

The first step in improving your credit file will be to establish how things currently stand and a service like Check My File is ideal for this.

You can use the CheckMyFile report to look at each of your credit accounts to check they are in order.

What do I get from CheckMyFile?

In short, you will get a multi-agency credit report, instantly, online, available in a clear PDF format.

The report will include (where relevant)

  • Payment history
  • Electoral roll information
  • Linked Addresses
  • Search Activity
  • Court Records
  • Insolvency Records
  • Financial Associations
  • Aliases
  • Cifas Entries
  • Death Registration Records
  • Politically Exposed Person Checks
  • Sanctions Checks
  • Notices of Correction

Within your credit file, each credit account is listed showing payments, balances, and payment history. Each account has listings of data from each of the credit reference agencies.

How does CheckMyFile compare to the competition?

Most of the competition will show data from a single credit reference agency.

Since the data on any account can differ between credit reference agencies, a report from one or two can leave ‘holes’ in the understanding of your credit file – this gives CheckMyFile the edge in terms of comprehensiveness.

We also like the format of the CheckMyFile report as it is clear and easy to understand.

Is Checkmyfile good value for money?

Value for money is a subjective measure but the ‘free for 30 days, then £14.99 per month offer’ gives you a no-risk way to assess the suitability of the service for yourself.

How do I cancel my CheckMyFile Subscription?

Our video shows you how to cancel your CheckMyFile subscription.

Don’t wish to subscribe to a credit report provider?

If you prefer not to subscribe you can obtain your statutory credit reports direct from the 3 main credit reference agencies