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Nationwide Rates List

Nationwide existing customers rate switch

Nationwide Mortgage Rate Switches for Existing Customers 60% loan to value

Nationwide mortgage rates existing customers as of November 22, 2024

2 years4.27%Fixed£99960%
2 years4.56%Fixed£060%
3 years4.23%Fixed£99960%
3 years4.42%Fixed£060%
5 years4.09%Fixed£99960%
5 years4.26%Fixed£060%
10 years4.59%Fixed£99960%
10 years4.69%Fixed£060%
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Nationwide Mortgage Rate Switches for Existing Customers 75% loan to value

Nationwide mortgage rates existing customers as of November 22, 2024

2 years4.49%Fixed£99975%
2 years4.77%Fixed£075%
3 years4.37%Fixed£99975%
3 years4.56%Fixed£075%
5 years4.19%Fixed£99975%
5 years4.39%Fixed£075%
10 years4.64%Fixed£99975%
10 years4.79%Fixed£075%

Nationwide Mortgage Rate Switches for Existing Customers 80% loan to value

Nationwide mortgage rates existing customers as of November 22, 2024

2 years4.69%Fixed£99980%
2 years4.94%Fixed£080%
3 years4.59%Fixed£99980%
3 years4.94%Fixed£080%
5 years4.39%Fixed£99980%
5 years4.54%Fixed£080%
10 years4.89%Fixed£99980%
10 years5.14%Fixed£080%

Nationwide Mortgage Rate Switches for Existing Customers 85% loan to value

Nationwide mortgage rates existing customers as of November 22, 2024

2 years4.69%Fixed£99985%
2 years4.94%Fixed£085%
3 years4.59%Fixed£99985%
3 years4.94%Fixed£085%
5 years4.39%Fixed£99985%
5 years4.54%Fixed£085%
10 years4.89%Fixed£99985%
10 years5.14%Fixed£085%

Nationwide Mortgage Rate Switches for Existing Customers – Tracker Rates

Nationwide mortgage rates existing customers as of November 22, 2024

2 years4.89%Tracker£99960%
2 years5.64%Tracker£060%
2 years5.04%Tracker£99975%
2 years5.64%Tracker£075%
2 years5.14%Tracker£99980%
2 years5.82%Tracker£080%
2 years5.19%Tracker£99985%
2 years5.82%Tracker£085%

When you call to request a Nationwide Existing Customers Rate Switch

Please have to hand

  • Your 11-digit mortgage account number
  • Your Bank Account Number (the account from which you pay your mortgage)

7 Great things about Nationwide Switcher Rates

You can switch your Nationwide mortgage with us – now
You can secure a new Nationwide mortgage product up to 5 months before your current mortgage rate ends. Your new rate can go live up to 3 months before your current Nationwide mortgage rate ends, without incurring an early redemption charge on your current rate.

You can switch quickly
We can get your switcher rate offer secured within hours in most cases.

We check your eligibility
We check your Nationwide mortgage balance and current property value and let you know all the rates available to you.

There’s no credit check
A Nationwide switcher rate is available whatever your recent credit history.

New circumstances are not a problem
We can arrange a Nationwide switcher rate even if your income has dropped or changed.

There’s no need for a house valuation
Nationwide will tell us the value of your property.

There’s no need for a solicitor
You won’t need a solicitor when arranging a Nationwide switcher rate with us.

Dates for Nationwide Product Switching

Earliest date to complete the switch

The earliest date we can select a Nationwide mortgage product switch rate for you is the first day of the month, five months before your current rate ends.
For example, if your Nationwide mortgage product ends on 31st July, we can select a new rate on 1st March.
The new rate can start anytime within 3 months of the expiry of your current rate.

Latest date to complete the switch

To complete a switch to start next month we need to have your instruction by close of business on the 22nd of the current month.

CURRENT Rate EndsSECURE New Rate from START New Rate from
31st November1st July 1st September
31st December1st August 1st October
31st January1st September1st November
28th February1st October1st December
31st March1st November1st January
30th April1st December1st February
31st May1st January1st March
30th June1st February1st April
31st July1st March1st May
31st August1st April1st June
30th September1st May1st July
31st October1st June1st August

Nationwide Early Repayment Charges – for each fixed rate deal period

2 years3 years5 years10 years
Year 13.00%4.00%5.00%7.00%
Year 22.00%3.00%5.00%7.00%
Year 32.00%4.00%7.00%
Year 43.00%7.00%
Year 52.00%6.00%
Year 65.00%
Year 74.00%
Year 83.50%
Year 92.50%
Year 101.50%