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How to Download your Bank Statements Online

Why do Mortgage Lenders ask to see Bank Statements?

Primarily to:

Ensure no payments have been returned
Ensure any overdraft limit is not exceeded
See income being banked as per wage slips
See existing rent or mortgage payments going out
Spot regular payments that have not been listed on the application

The importance of your bank statements in a mortgage application

Lenders will nearly always ask to see your bank statements to support a mortgage application. In most cases, the lender will request the most recent three months’ statements, for certain applications, six months or more.

It is important that bank statements are provided to your Mortgage Lender in the correct format. Most importantly this means ‘good quality copies, and NO screenshots’.

Some mortgage applicants may still be receiving postal bank statements and these will contain the necessary information and will be easily copied. For most borrowers however, online banking means that bank statements are either never provided on paper, or not kept.

Fortunately, all the major Banks provide a process to download your bank statements online. Your downloaded statements need to include the bank’s name, your name, the sort code, and your account number. They should show all transactions both in and out, and the running balance figure.

Where you use an overdraft, many statements show the overdraft limit at the top of the page. If your overdraft limit is not shown please provide evidence of your limit separately.

Do’s and Don’ts for Providing Bank Statements



  • Try to access your statements using a smartphone, this nearly always results in a document that cannot be used.
  • Send screenshots, these are not acceptable to lenders.
  • Photograph your paper bank statements, photographs are not acceptable to lenders.
  • Email your bank statements to anybody. They are easily intercepted and this makes email a security risk.

How to Download Statements from your Bank

Below we outline a basic guide to downloading bank statements for the major UK Banks. If you are struggling please contact the relevant bank for support and advice, our staff cannot see your login screen and are therefore not best placed to assist.

Downloading Barclays Bank Statements online

  • Login
  • click into your bank account transaction detail list
  • Adjust the transaction dates you are seeking under the ‘search for transactions’ section at the bottom of the page
  • Click ‘Search’
  • Click ‘Download all (PDF)’ at the bottom of the list of transactions. The system then compiles a PDF file containing all the necessary information.

Downloading First Direct Bank Statements online

  • Login
  • view your statements
  • Look for the ‘Print’ button at the bottom left (do not use the download button)
  • Select the dates required
  • This gives you a print preview window, print to PDF.

Downloading Halifax Bank Statements online

  • Login
  • Go to the account you wish to view which gives you a snapshot
  • Press print at the bottom of the screen, this opens in a new window
  • Press print again and choose ‘save as PDF’

Downloading HSBC Bank Statements online

  • Login
  • Choose the account you want
  • Look for ‘previous statements’ on the left-hand-side
  • Choose the month you require
  • Look for print option at the bottom of the page
  • Save, and rename the document.

Downloading NatWest Bank Statements online

  • Login
  • Choose the account you want
  • Select statements
  • Select ‘download statements (PDF)
  • Drag the PDF file into the ‘Lending Works’ screen and select Upload.

If you have a problem your browser may be set to block saving encrypted pages to disk. Go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, security, and untick the ‘Do not save encrypted pages to disk’ option

Downloading Lloyds Bank Statements online

Process as per Halifax

Downloading Nationwide Bank Statements online

  • Login and select the account you wish to view
  • Click statement archive top left-hand-side (it is important here to make sure you select statement archive)
  • Select the period you require and save it as a PDF

Downloading RBS Bank Statements online

  • Login
  • Two statements on the left-hand side
  • Look for box labelled ‘your accounts’ and click on view, save and print PDF
  • Select the account by clicking next, highlight the month you want and click View Statement
  • At the top of the page will be the download statement (PDF) link for you to click
  • When PDF is produced right click to save

Downloading Santander Bank Statements online

  • Log In
  • Open the account you require
  • Look left-hand side under “My Accounts”
  • Scroll down to the e-Documents section, click here
  • This will then open the last 10 current account statements
  • Under the actions section, view the statement in a PDF file
  • Click “Go” button
  • Secure pop up = open or save
  • Save to file

Downloading TSB Bank Statements online

  • Login
  • Select the account you need
  • Look for ‘Print’ at the bottom which opens a new window
  • Press ‘Print’ and save as PDF